Our mission is to live the gospel message by feeding homeless and hungry families at the St. Francis House and, in the process, have fun and enjoy the fellowship of other Queen of Peace (QOP) families. The ministry's primary function is to organize, prepare, and serve meals for 35-45 St. Francis House residents once per month and more often if possible. The ministry has a well-established process, along with instructions, menus, and resources, to successfully conduct these events. It is seeking families and individuals who are interested in hosting, volunteering their time (to shop, plan, cook, wash dishes, deliver, serve, etc.), and/or donating funds to help make these events possible. Volunteering for this ministry requires a time commitment of 2-5 hours per event, and most volunteers and hosts typically participate in 1-2 events per year. The only prerequisites to participate in this fulfilling experience are a compassionate heart and a friendly smile.
Contact: Dave Schoster or Melissa Turley at [email protected]
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